Saturday, October 22, 2011

Enjoy my crazy amimation! Joe is a baby by Iluvslogans

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Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hey guys!!
Its almost August, which means...... school! And for me it means dread, freak out, scary freshman year!! For yu girls who have been to high school or already in high school, or have helpful advice, leave a comment under this post and tell me what high school is like. I am already shivering typing this post!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Cinnamon Challenge

Hey everybody! One of my friends asked me to try this: eat a spoonfull of ground cinnamon without gagging or barfing. I said, " Mickey, that is crazy!! I am not trying that out!" If you guys think that this is a crazy challenge, comment below saying yes. If you try it out, comment and tell me how was it. I kinda want to try it out. LOL!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Friday, November 19, 2010

An Islamic GIRLS Quiz

For all you muslimahs out there, here is a quiz for you!
1. You wear a hijab, and you go to public school. The minute you walk into the school, everyone stares at you. You:
a. glare at them How dare they stare at you.
b. put your head down
c. walk with confidence and smile at everyone, even though they don't smile back.
2. A bully comes up to you and calls you a terrorist. You:
a. hit him hard. Ha! Serves him right
b. cry. He is so mean.
c. tell him firmly that you are not a terrorist and you have your rights.
3. A couple of students come up to you to ask you why you wear a scarf. You:
a. say, " Duh, its part of my religon".
b. shrug and say " I don't know." shyly.
c. smile and explain everything
4. You see a girl your age sitting alone on the bench. You:
a. laugh at her. She has no friends! Hahaha.!
b. don't talk to her. You are afraid you will say something stupid.
c. go to her and make friends with her.
5. You do well on a test, and a guy in your class pats you on the back. You:
a. smile at him and pat his back.
b. you shyly walk away, with a little anger in you.
c. tell him that you feel uncomfortable when he pats you.
If you picked all a's you are a Misbehaved Muslimah.
  • No muslim girl should act this way, especially if you wear a scarf. You should be confident and polite

If you picked all b's you are a Shy Muslimah.

  • If you are shy, no one will want to be with you, and may believe that you are wierd. Be confident, happy, and always smiling.

If you picked all c's, you are an Awesome Muslimah.

  • Great Job! You are a good muslim and confident and polite.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Take this Quiz!

What kind of girl are you? Super Sporty, Totally Girly, Miss Adventurous, or Lazy Daisy? Take this quiz and find out!

1) Your parents are finally letting you go to summer camp! You pick:
a) Basketball, soccer, cross country, or anything related with sports.
b) Fashion designing or jewelry making.
c) Anything to do with outdoors!
d) Tell your parents that you do not want to do camp.

2) Your favorite thing to do on weekends is:
a) Practice your skateboard tricks.
c) Go hiking with Dad.
d) Sleep! Duh!

3) Your cousin from England comes over. When she asks you what you want to do, you say:
a) " Let's shoot some hoops!"
b) "Let's go to the spa!"
c) " Spying?"
d) " How bout later, I havn't had my nap!"

4) When you are in the house the whole day, you normally wear:
a) Baggy T-shirts, shorts, and caps.
b) The cutest outfit in your closet.
c) Shirts with landscapes on it.
d) Pajamas.

If you picked mostly A's you are Super Sporty.
If you picked mostly B's you are Totally Girly.
If you picked mostly C's you are Miss Adventourous.
If you picked mostly D's you are Lazy Daisy!